Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This is the Future, Hopefully

CNN has Andrew Sullivan and David Gergen on talking about Iraq.

They are talking about the Fareed Zakaria article I wrote about yesterday. They are both advocating the redeploy and bring in Iran, Syria, etc strategy.

That would be Jim Webb's strategy.

It is also what WILL happen when the Democrats (including Jim Webb) take control of Congress.

Otherwise, its more of the same for at least two more years.

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Evening Chuckle: Treehouses of Horror

I couldn't decide which of these Simpsons Halloween clip to put up so I'm putting them both up. Enjoy.

PS: Word is Comedy Central is asking YouTube to take down their clips (Daily Show, Colbert, etc.). So, enjoy the Comedy Central clips in the Evening Chuckle archive while they last.

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The George Allen Implosion Continues

Allen staffers assault a man asking George Allen a question.

The guy asked a provocative question. (Did you spit on your first wife?) Kind of a jerk, actually.

However, there are ways to handle someone like that (the first one that comes to mind is "No, I did not spit on my first wife"). You can handle someone like that in a way that makes the questioner look like a total @$$ and makes you look like you are above such garbage.

Allen et al. chose to go another way.

This is bad for Allen. Standing around watching your staff beat a guy's @$$ for asking you a question doesn't look good. Especially when it is on film. (As I have said, cameras are not George Allen's friends.)

PS: Panic is setting in for AllenCo. The next week is going to be ridiculously dirty. Fortunately, Jim Webb is clean so everything they throw at him will be even more ridiculous than last week's novel passages. Enjoy. (And keep working.)

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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We Don't Control Iraq

Juan Cole has an article on Salon today detailing why Partitioning Iraq would be a disaster. (I wrote about this here.)

While Professor Cole is no doubt pretty near the mark on this issue, I have come to the conclusion that what the United States thinks should be done vis-a-vis partition is inconsequential.

People seem to not realize that we do not make those decisions in Iraq anymore. I'm not sure if we make any decisions anymore considering that the Iraqi Prime Minister can order US troops to stop a blockade of Sadr City that was set up to help locate a missing US soldier.

I think partition in Iraq (and the negative consequences to the region and the world that Juan Cole details) is inevitable. The Kurds want it and enough of the Shiites want it. It doesn't matter what we say or what the Turks or Saudis say.

Iraq is done.

We need to redeploy out of Iraq to calm the anti-US rebellion and remain in other parts of the region to contain the violence inside the country. We will also be able to respond to any al-Qaeda threats that may arise in Iraq. (Remember that Zarqawi was killed by troops who were stationed in Jordan.)

The idea that Iraq will become the center of a new caliphate is ridiculous. The Shiites (who control the country) would never allow it. The idea that al-Anbar would become an al-Qaeda haven is also unrealistic. The Sunnis have no interest in that.

The time to redeploy is now. The only way that will happen is if Democrats take control of Congress.

Vote Jim Webb and GOTV.

2814 killed

Had enough?

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Timpani Roll: Back in NOVA!

I made 122 calls from home today!

The Phone from Home for Jim Webb switched to purely Get Out the Vote today. The amazing thing is that I thought it was easy before! Now it is ridiculously easy!

Now we are calling people who are likely Webb voters which makes the process even easier. The script is shorter too so you can do more in less time. (I could have pushed up my numbers but the leaf blower brigade was working outside my door today for about 30 minutes).

Now Phone from Home is so easy their is no excuse not to do it. (The top 5 callers as of 5:40pm had made over 600 calls! That's just the top 5 and there is a lot of time left in the day!)

So get to it!

In other great news, 2 polls came out today showing Jim Webb in the lead!

This news should motivate us to push even harder! It's time to leave no doubt.

We can win this one convincingly if we all do our part!


Update: Make that 3 polls.

Update 2: Make that 4 polls.

Update 3: RealClearPolitics has Webb leading and Tradesports has shifted from 32% to 52% in favor of Webb.

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Iraq, Iraq, Iraq

Fareed Zakaria has an extensive cover story in Newsweek detailing a plan for a way forward in Iraq. [Emphasis mine.]
"But the way out of this stalemate is not to pack up and go home. That will surely result in a bloodbath or worse. The United States must redefine its mission, reduce and redeploy its forces and fashion a less intrusive involvement with Iraq, one that both Iraqis and Americans believe is productive and sustainable for the long term."
Do yourself a favor and read it. As always, Zakaria is illuminating.

In other news, the Bush Administration's National Security advisor is making a surprise visit to Iraq (not much has changed in the last month), the 100th American service person has been killed in Iraq this October.

2813 killed, 21077 wounded.

Had enough?

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Evening Chuckle: Santorum's Gonna Lose

I got back from Pennsylvania today. I'll miss my niece and nephew but I'll also miss seeing this Rick Santorum campaign commercial. Enjoy.

In other news, I just volunteered to hand out Jim Webb flyers outside of George Marshall High School onn election day. If you see me, say hi.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Embryonic Stem Cell Ignorance: Enough Already

I just want to say that I have no problem with Charles at TwoConservatives. However, I have a problem with his characterization of the debate on embryonic stem (ES) cell research in this country and his attack on Michael J.Fox.
"So, he is running around the country attacking republicans who voted against federal funding for one specific stem cell research, namely Embryonic Stem Cell research that kills viable embryos."”
I've dealt with this point before, the embryos that would be used to make new ES cell lines are surplus embryos from in vitro fertilization (IVF). How do embryos become surplus? The IVF clinic fertilizes several eggs that are individually assessed for viability. The best embryos are chosen for implantation, the rest (which are least likely to be viable) are stored in liquid nitrogen. Forever. The vast majority of the 400,000+ excess embryos in this country will sit in LN2 until they are thrown away. Where is the cry from the right against IVF? Where is the wailing and gnashing of teeth? (Answer: There is no favorable political angle in opposing IVF which has helped so many people have children. The only people who have a consistent position on IVF and ES cell research are the Catholic Church [Hint: they are against both.] While I disagree with their position, I respect their consistent position.)
"It's not enough that the republicans are the first to fund embryonic stem cell research."
This is often stated and highly misleading. The Republicans were the first to fund human ES cell research because the first human ES cells were isolated in 1998. Republicans have controlled Congress (and NIH funding) since 1994. (Incidentally, Republican funding of NIH overall is a joke.)
"Or that they voted to increase funding for the much more promising adult stem cell research, and cord research."
This is a line that has been foisted on people for too long. The vast majority of biologists believe that ES cells have far more potential than either adult or cord blood stem cell research. Any assertion to the contrary is simply untrue.
"It's not enough that embryonic stem cell research is LEGAL federally, and in the states. It's not enough that many states and localities are funding research into embryonic stem cells, including 6 BILLION dollars in California."
Here'’s something else I don'’t understand. Half-measures. If ES cell research is so immoral, than why hasn't it been banned outright? Or even been attempted to be banned outright? Thank God some states have the foresight to fund ES cell research. This is a wise move from both a moral and entrepreneurial standpoint. ES cell technology will be developed. You clearly do not understand how biological science is done in the United States. Federal funding drives it. It needs it to survive. States can't compete with the Federal government in funding - even California. The question is will the US be a leader or play catch up? Enjoy your flight to Seoul for your medical treatments.
"No, Michael Fox will not rest until every one of us is forced against our will to contribute to the destruction of human life for a pie-in-the-sky promise of medical miracles decades down the road."
[I'm gonna be a little harsh here.] This argument is incredibly weak. I don't do moral equivalence arguments but in this case I believe one is apt. Approximately 70% of Americans support ES cell research (a veto-proof majority, BTW), 64% of Americans oppose the war in Iraq. Half a TRILLION dollars have been spent in Iraq. I don'’t have the exact amount that has been spent on stem cell research, but I'’m (generously) estimating $200 million dollars since 2001. That is 0.0004% what we has been spent on the war. Or, to put it another way,
"No, [George W. Bush] will not rest until every one of us is forced against our will to contribute to the destruction of human life for a pie-in-the-sky promise of [Democracy in the Middle East] decades down the road."
Post script on this one: Are cures for Parkinson'’s, diabetes, or Alzheimer'’s disease not worth it if they will only be found in decades? This is a defeatist argument. "It will be hard and take time to get results so let'’s not try."

Unfortunately, at this point, Charles' post degenerates into an anti-liberal (Note: Fox campaigned for Republican Arlen Specter in 2004), anti-Hollywood rant.
"Like most liberals, Michael Fox believes the government exists to solve his problems, and that working Americans exist to fund whatever is important to him, in this case killing human life to save his own life. It's time for us common folk to stand up to these multi-millionare hollywood types who think they are more important than we are, who think simply because we are willing to fork over 9 bucks to watch their crappy movies we would be happy to have them take our money by force to fund their pet projects."
"Their pet projects", like curing debilitating diseases? Selfish bastards. Actually, I agree with one thing, Michael J. Fox probably didn't give a damn about a cure for Parkinson's disease before he found out he had it. Christopher Reeve didn't give a damn about a cure for paralysis before he became paralyzed. OK. They can still do good now.
"Michael Fox, stop stealing MY money, and go after your buddies Soros, Buffet, Gates, and Turner -- they have BILLIONS of dollars, and are giving it away to people like you."
Thank God some wealthy people care more about helping people and saving lives than about paying less tax on capital gains.

The facts support ES cell research. Jim Webb supports ES cell research. Support Jim Webb.

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Who Gives a $#!# What Lynne Cheney Thinks?

I'm watching this CNN Lynne Cheney interview. Why? Why am I?

Who cares? Vice President Cheney has a 20% approval rating and she is his wife. Why would anyone on earth ever care what she has to say about anything ever?

She doesn't want her grandchildren to hear the passages from Jim Webb's books on TV. Guess what? Jim Webb didn't put it on TV, George Allen compiled them in a press release and sent it out to the media.

This whole thing is idiotic and I can't believe the morons at CNN, MSNBC, etc are giving this crap some play.

I guess not enough Americans died in Iraq this month: 2809 soldiers dead.

Phone from Pennsylvania for Jim Webb Timpani Roll!

I broke 1400 calls today! That puts me over 70% of the way to my goal of 2000 calls.

This probably means that I will have to revise my goal up! (I also passed 800 calls using Phone from Home.)

The race is tied and GOTV is going to win the election.

Sign up today! Phone from Home is easy and you can make a real difference!

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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This is Where We're Headed

Wonkette weighs in (again) on the VA Senate campaign:
"Oh, Virginia. We hope your Senate race never ends! Maybe someone can be accused of necrophilia next week. We heard Jim Webb has a goldfish named 'Boy-raper' and George Allen once shot a man for being too Irish."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Meta-Post: Media Dump

Here's what I'm reading now that I've nothing left to do today:

WaPo says George Allen not a johnnie-come-lately to being racist.

Independent Green candidate for Virginia Senate Gail "for Rail" Parker is considering dropping out of the race and endorsing Webb or Allen. Enjoy her jingle (There are not enough jingles in politics anymore. I guess nothing catchy rhymes with "gay marriage" or "Bush sucks".)

George Allen is apparently OK with sexual assault.

Carbon diet?

Michael J Fox talks about how great it is to have Parkinson's so he can play it up for the cameras. (PS: I try not to swear on this blog so I will refrain from saying what I think Rush Limbaugh is.) (But it rhymes with "ouchebag".)

"What Osama Wants" by Peter Bergen. When Bergen talks about al-Qaeda, it is worth reading.

One of the biggest problems with our current Administration is the fear of talking to our enemies like Iran (which we need to do to help ease us out of Iraq), and North Korea (you know, because of the nuclear weapons).

Enjoy. Next week I'll get back to actually writing posts again.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Control of the Senate Will Come Down to Virginia

I don't write very much about polls. Mostly because this race has been tied for weeks.

Today the LA Times has Webb 47% Allen 44%.

That's great to see Jim Webb leading but it is still tied within the MoE.

I'm sure there will be more polls between now and November 7th but, regardless, Webb and Allen are tied. So, that means we have a turnout battle on our hands. It will matter how motivated Allen voters are v. how motivated Webb voters are. The GOP turnout machine is much ballyhooed so we must work extra hard. Our hard work will win this election.

This race is even more significant because it looks (right now) like MT, PA, OH, and RI will all go to the Dems. I think Missouri will as well. I'm pretty sure Harold Ford is going to lose in Tennessee.

That means as goes Virginia, so goes the Senate.

Think what that means. If Jim Webb wins:

1) The government will finally take global warming seriously.

2) Our energy policy can focus on shifting away from fossil fuels from foreign countries instead of giving tax breaks to companies making record profits.

3) We may have a veto-proof majority to support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

4) The direction in Iraq will change.

5) The War on Terror may actually be fought.

6) (Most importantly) Oversight will be returned to the Federal Government. Congress will re-assume it's role as a co-equal branch of government.

Now is the time.

Leave no doubt.


To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Evening Chuckle: A Lifetime Supply of Sadness

John Hodgeman explains how the US is going to figure out how to end the insurgency in Iraq. Enjoy.

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Phone from Pennsylvania Tuesday Timpani Roll!

I made 40 calls yesterday and 73 today!

I am currently playing Mr. Mom for my brother's 5-year old in Pennsylvania. I commend all of you who do this everyday of every week.

I have managed to work phone banking in between all of the new responsibilities I have up here. I have made less calls overall but I am making very efficient use of my time. Every spare minute gets a phone call.

Blogging has suffered but, when I get back to NOVA next week, everything will be ramped up for the final push toward victory.

Remember, if you think you don't have the time, think hard. Just a little bit of time can turn into a handful of calls a day which can turn into a significant number of calls by November 7th.

We can do it.

Leave no doubt.


To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Warner Wants Webb!

"Jim knows America needs a new direction, not left or right, but forward."

Not a word about Allen.

Positive. Powerful. Brilliant.

Vote Webb!

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Evening Chuckle: Perhaps This Will Wash the Confusion from Your Face

We need a wall to keep these people out. Enjoy.

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Why I'm an Independent

I'm a hard core Jim Webb supporter. I am doing my damnedest to make sure he is elected on November 7th.

I am not doing this because I am a Democrat (because I am not). I am not doing it because I hate Republicans (I do not - although I do think it is time they were ousted from power). I do it because I believe Jim Webb will perform his duties as a Senator in a manner far superior to George Allen. I believe Jim Webb will represent the interests of the people of Virginia and the United States better that George Allen will or has.

Why do I not count myself among the declared partisans?

Here's one reason: The more partisan you are the more you believe "your team" is right and you lose the importance of anything but winning.

Here's another reason: Why would I want to sign on to supporting institutionalized corruption? (Let's not forget that in 1994 it was institutionalized corruption that lost the Democrats Congress as well.)

So, when you vote this fall, forget about the R or D behind the name and which one of those parties (if either) that you call your own. The only thing that matters is that Jim Webb will be a better advocate for Virginians and all Americans. Most especially those in the military as well as our struggling middle class, the poor, and all the others who have been left behind by the Republican agenda over the last several years.

Be independent, vote for Jim Webb.

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Evening Chuckle: One Fine Day to be Nude

In honor of our 42nd President's visit to Virginia today, here's a clip that we can all enjoy.

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The White House Will Not Change Course in Iraq Unless We Make Them

The White House has pre-emptively rejected the presumptive recommendations of the James Baker Iraq Study Group.

Well, there goes my hope that the course may change after the election.

This leaves exactly one option: Democrats need to win the House AND the Senate. There will be no policy change vis a vis Iraq without a significant shift in power.

This is the issue of our times. We need people who will look at the reality of the situation and try to solve it rather than just stick their heads in the sand.

We need Jim Webb.

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Thursday Phone from Home Timpani Roll

I added 107 calls to my total today.

I'm pretty happy with this seeing as I fit all the calls in between taking care of personal errands today (that was why I didn't make any calls yesterday, I can quit my job but not my personal responsibilities). This just shows that, no matter how busy you are, you can still find time to call from home for Jim Webb.

I spoke to one gentleman today who was undecided. He said Jim Webb wasn't as good of a politician as Allen. I told him I thought that was a good thing. He thought about that and then he agreed. Did I sway him towards Webb? I don't know but I know I gave him something to think about.

I also spoke to a lot of very motivated Webb voters today. The wave is building, especially in NOVA.

I'll be leaving for Pennsylvania in an hour or so to babysit my brother's kid for a week. Does that mean I will not be able to call? NO! My brother has unlimited long-distance and I have a cell phone. Thanks to the Phone from Home system, I can call from PA. Which means, even if YOU don't live in Virginia, YOU can still do something to help Jim Webb.

So, let's get on those phones!


To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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CNN Equates George Allen with (Alledged) Mistress Stranging Congressman

In an interesting piece of reporting, CNN has been equating President Bush coming to campaign today for George Allen with Bush campaigning for Rep. (alleged mistress-strangler) Don Sherwood.

They keep asking if it is wise for him to associate with these two.

That's right: is it wise for a President with a mid-30s approval rating to associate with these two. The inference being that this could hurt his popularity.


Good job on the scheduling by Team Allen,BTW. Nothing will help you like being equated with an adulterous, mistress strangler (alleged).

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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We are the Firewall Now

The national Republicans are banking on Virginia to hold the Senate.

We are going to have to fight harder.

We have to want it more.

Now is the time to donate or volunteer.


To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

You Folks May Want to Try the Snow Tires

I was looking around just now for some news to write about when I was struck by how desperate the Allen campaign (paid shills, paid blogging shills, and unpaid blogging shills) are to find some sort of Jim Webb controversy that will gain traction.

To quote Jim Webb, "Keep tryin', George."

I hate to give some of these attempts even the credence that mockery brings but come on. Here is what the pro-Allen crowd has been pimping this week:

1) An anonymous blog with anonymous commenters is the "source" for a sleazy attempt to link Jim Webb to a sex scandal. Then, of course, the A-Team posts the "story" with no details and the Allen supporters give each other strategic reach-arounds in the comment section to "build buzz". Sorry. I'm not hearing any buzz. Unfortunately for you, and contrary to what you believe, you can't completely fabricate a story and expect even semi-respectable media to run with it. In fact, you haven't even gotten other unrespectable blogs to run with it.

As I've asked before, Is patheti-sad a word?

2) Jim Webb wrote one line in one of his fiction books about incest. Sigh. Have you guys been believing your own lies for so long you have forgotten what fiction means? You seemed to remember when you attacked Jim Webb for being a (gasp!) fiction writer. Nobody particularly cares about Lynne Cheney's lesbian book or Scooter Libby's bear on 10-year old girl sex book.

Nobody else is stupid enough to care about this.

3) Towel-head. Jim Webb used this to describe the cartoonish villains in today's movies (along with rednecks). The intent of the statement is clear. He was not using the term insultingly but to point out the injustice of making caricatures of an entire group. I will say that, given the current atmosphere of the campaign (what with the use of the M-word, the intent of which was also clear), this wasn't wise. That being said, this will be gone tomorrow just like all the other things you are pretending to be outraged about.

Did I miss anything? Any re-dredging of the Watts "story". No? Any Webb kills puppies stories? No?

By all means, keep pounding on your keyboards in mock outrage hoping to create a scandal with traction. Don't try doing anything that may actually effect the election.

If you want to talk about something that matters, why not talk about the 2782 soldiers killed in the disastrous war that Allen supports to the hilt.

But wait. Is your hero Allen...flip-flopping on Iraq?
"I am not pleased with the progress."
I assume Allen means his progress in the election. Why else would he stop following the President in lockstep? Don't worry though, as soon as the election is over he will go right back to "stay the course".

Of course, it won't matter then because he won't be a "Senator" anymore.

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Not a Politician

But that's one of the things we like about Jim Webb, right?

The Washington Post has a story up that details Jim Webb's reluctance to use both his military service in Vietnam and his son's service in Iraq as political tools to help him get more votes.

Now, while I would like to see every advantage pressed in this race, you have to respect that.

God forbid we elect someone who doesn't bring their personal life into a race. Jim Webb is running on issues, competence, and character. Those are strengths. We need to remove one stuffed-shirt, empty-headed, unaccomplished politician (I'm talking about Allen if this is too subtle for you) and replace him with a highly competent, independent citizen-legislator - what our government is supposed to be composed of.

Don't we have too many politicians who are afraid of doing the right thing in DC already? Don't we have too many Senators who are directed by their ambition for the Presidency? (Virginia certainly has one too many of these.)

Jim Webb won't legislate that way. He is a scholar and he will study the issues and make the best decision for Virginia and this country.

George Allen only makes the best decisions for his party and himself.

Had enough?

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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What Matters

1) The big news (so far) today is the Washington Post's strong endorsement of Jim Webb and it's deconstruction of George Allen's pathetic performance in six years as a US Senator. (Question: If you accomplish absolutely nothing in six years on your job, should you get to keep it?)

2) This I like to see: Congressman Bobby Scott has endorsed Jim Webb. Webb has been underperforming in the black community and really needs to work hard in the next 3 weeks to convince these voters that he is the man for them. As such, Jim Webb will be visiting 14 churches in Hampton roads on Sunday. That's a great start. Hopefully, Former Governor Wilder will endorse Webb soon.

3) The DNC is going to take out loans to pump more money into Democratic Senate campaigns, specifically Virginia. This is great news considering that the national Republicans are shifting money from Ohio to Virginia. I hope a good deal of this money is spent on get out the vote operations. Extra ad buys will probably have diminished effectiveness at this point.

4) Finally, 10 more soldiers were killed in Iraq on Tuesday. October is on pace to be the deadliest month for the US in Iraq in a long time. This story is why the first 3 stories matter.

Had enough?

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Evening Chuckle: We Had the 240, We Had to Have the Puddin'

For those who don't know, "The State" was a sketch comedy show on MTV in the mid-90's. Enjoy.

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Tuesday Phone from Home Timpani Roll

I made 135 calls from home for Jim Webb today!

If you've been following this you may have noticed that I make more calls each day that I phone from home. That is because I keep getting more used to it and it gets easier everyday.

Today's highlights:

1 number I called had 5 strong Webb supporters!

I was thanked again for my efforts.

The best call was an answering machine. The guy was doing a Christopher Walken impersonation. Hi. Larious. I had trouble leaving the message because I was trying so hard not to laugh.

See? It is fun.

Anyway, I smashed through 1000 calls today. That's quite a milestone for me. But, remember, nobody is asking you to make 1000 calls (although that would be great). If you can just make a handful of calls everyday between now and the election, they will add up.

I'd also like to point out that I did not have the high call total today. Another caller made 140 calls!

We can make the difference!


To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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3 Weeks to Go: When it Rains it Pours

Some mornings I get up and actually have to work to put an interesting, informative post together about one story or another. More recently, however, everyday is a $#!#storm of news that reinforces my commitment to work hard for Jim Webb and my belief that not only will he win but that his victory will give control of the Senate to the Democrats.

1) That's good considering that Mitch McConnel will probably be Senate majority leader if the Republicans maintain control. The Lexington Herald-Leader has been running an investigative expose on the Kentucky Senator. Here's the subtitle of the first part: "Senator's pet issue: money and the power it buys." Fantastic. That's definitely the man I want to set the priorities of the Senate.

2) More corrupt cronyism from a Bush appointee:
"Lester M. Crawford, who resigned mysteriously last fall just two months after being confirmed as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, will plead guilty today to charges that he hid his ownership of stock in food and drug companies that his agency regulated, his lawyer said."
3) Juan Cole details today's chapter of Iraq's descent into chaos and the Iraqi government's efforts to eliminate the Iraqi free press. He also offers this:
"I called for a phased withdrawal of US troops because I despair of getting Shiites and Kurds to compromise with Sunni Arabs in any other way. I realize that they still might not compromise, but at least there is a chance they would come to their senses if they couldn't have the Marines keep their enemies down for them."
This is what John Murtha and Jim Webb have recommended and it is what the Baker Commission is expected to recommend after the election. This is what is likely to become our new Iraq policy (the only way to make certain is to vote Democratic - especially for Jim Webb). The Administration supporters who call this "cut and run" will no longer have a leg to stand on. Maybe then we can work together to solve this problem instead of calling each other names.

4) In other good news, global climate change has already caused the collapse of an ice shelf. The Republican Congress refuses to admit that climate change is real. Throw that on top of the pile of reasons to throw them out.

5) Oh, and BTW, we've reached 3000 coalition deaths in Iraq.

2771 American Service personnel killed.

Had enough?

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Evening Chuckle: This One I Like, I Keep

Bill thinks Dave stole his cane. Enjoy.

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Warner/Allen Ad: Less Than Good

Well, I guess Elizabeth Taylor taught Senator Warner a thing or two about acting.

That was a hell of a balancing act. It was almost like two different commercials spliced together. Warner thinks we need a change in Iraq and Warner likes George Allen. The ad was an attempt to conflate those two things to fool people into thinking that George Allen may be open to a change in Iraq policy.

Let's be clear, on the most important issue of the day, Iraq, John Warner is closer to Jim Webb's position than he is to George Allen's. George Allen will only change his position on Iraq when George Bush does and we can't count on that.

My wife (who is Republican) had the initial impression that Warner/Allen were trying to evoke fear and that Warner was begging to keep his chairmanship. Pretty sound analysis I would say.

I think this ad was another waste of money. These things just aren't going to move people at this point. Most people have already made up their minds. It will come down to getting Webb voters to the polls.

Mark Warner is going to campaign vigorously for Jim Webb until election day, including in SWVA. This will have more impact that one canned ad from Senator Warner. I'm sure John Warner will not be out on the stump campaigning for Allen. That could also make the difference in this close race.

PS: Oh yeah, and "cut government spending"? In what parallel universe did that happen?

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Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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Monday Phone from Home Timpani Roll

I made 120 calls for Jim Webb from home today!

Talking to two Allen supporters made me think of something that may keep some people who want to help Jim Webb win from phone banking.

Some people might think that when you get an Allen voter on the phone they will attack you with the same vitriol that we see on many of the Allen supporting blogs and in the comment sections of many pro-Webb blogs.

Don't worry about it.

The worst I have had is Allen supporters being slightly rude. Most people won't even be rude to you on the phone. They realize you are a person, like them, and a volunteer. They think I am wrong and I know they are wrong but you say thanks and move on to the next call. No harm done and you have eliminated them as people that need to be followed up on.

Then there are the strong Webb supporters.

The last person I spoke to today was a Webb supporter and she told me thank you for everything we are doing and that her and her husband "can't wait for November 7th". Me too.

I'm within striking distance of 1000 calls which puts me halfway to my goal. Join me. Its fun, its easy, and you don't even need to get up off the couch (I didn't this afternoon).

Volunteers are going to decide this election. This is your chance to make a difference in our democracy and affect the future of our nation and our world in a positive way.

Tell me another way you can do that sittin' on the couch?

PS: Please tell your volunteer story. You may inspire someone else to take action. Tell it here in the comments section, or on your won blog or diary.

To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, click
Bloggers for Webb or
Phone from Home for Jim Webb

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