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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What Matters

1) The big news (so far) today is the Washington Post's strong endorsement of Jim Webb and it's deconstruction of George Allen's pathetic performance in six years as a US Senator. (Question: If you accomplish absolutely nothing in six years on your job, should you get to keep it?)

2) This I like to see: Congressman Bobby Scott has endorsed Jim Webb. Webb has been underperforming in the black community and really needs to work hard in the next 3 weeks to convince these voters that he is the man for them. As such, Jim Webb will be visiting 14 churches in Hampton roads on Sunday. That's a great start. Hopefully, Former Governor Wilder will endorse Webb soon.

3) The DNC is going to take out loans to pump more money into Democratic Senate campaigns, specifically Virginia. This is great news considering that the national Republicans are shifting money from Ohio to Virginia. I hope a good deal of this money is spent on get out the vote operations. Extra ad buys will probably have diminished effectiveness at this point.

4) Finally, 10 more soldiers were killed in Iraq on Tuesday. October is on pace to be the deadliest month for the US in Iraq in a long time. This story is why the first 3 stories matter.

Had enough?

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Comments on "What Matters"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:01 AM) : 

George Allen is a racist, misogynistic, self-hating Jew, who despises blacks, minorities, women, and gays. This can all be overwhelmingly proven by facts that are abundantly covered all over the internet, television, and in the printed media.

He is all the more dangerous because as a Jew he should know better. But then again, Adolph Hitler was exactly like him.

If the American people in Virginia elect this monster, then it is an indication that we as a nation have learned nothing from 200 years of fighting racist, misogynistic, sexist, megalomaniacs like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Pinochet, etc in countless wars that have killed tens of millions of Americans.

A victory for George Allen in Virginia, the heartland of the United States, would officially mean the end of America as we know it, and the open beginning of a tyrannical, elitist, oppressive, despotism that our Founding Fathers ran from Europe in order to flee.

In other words, America as we know it, and what it stands for, will officially be defunct and finished.


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