Sunday, February 24, 2008

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

[Sorry, that was trite.]

It looks like Fidel is "out", and Raul is in.

Don't hold your breath for the change. Not until Fidel FINALLY kicks off.

Again, I say, lift the embargo and spend, spend, spend. Communism simply can't go head-to-head with capitalism. History has confirmed that. Let's steamroll the regime with dollars.

If it is good enough for China and Vietnam (with whom, unlike Cuba, we've actually fought a war) than why isn't it good enough for Cuba.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Good News & Bad News from Iraq

Some of the best news in a while: Sadr extends Iraqi ceasefire. The Mahdi Army ceasefire along with the Sunni Awakening are the two biggest reasons that the Surge has managed to drastically reduce violence in Iraq. (Also, the internal migration and ethnic cleansing that have resulted in sectarian-homogenous neighborhoods - but that's not quite as uplifting.)

And the bad: Turkey launches ground operation in Iraq. I guess the Turks have a surge of their own planned. Not good.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

CNN Is Dumb

So, the best, most-substantive exchange in tonight's debate was the back and forth on health care.

Which, of course, the candidates basically had to ignore the moderators to have.

Can anyone explain why the moderators would want to STOP the candidates from having a detailed discussion on one of the most important issues in this election?

It's a good thing they jumped in before a debate could break out. (Idiots.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Presidential Candidates Positions on Cuba

From First Read:
Wants to normalize relations -- if Cuba begins moving towards democracy 'If the Cuban leadership begins opening Cuba to meaningful democratic change, the United States must be prepared to begin taking steps to normalize relations and to ease the embargo of the last five decades. The freedom of the Cuban people is a cause that should bring the Americans together.' (Statement, 2/19/08)"
See the rest of the Obama section and positions of McCain (think Bush with a creepy personal touch) and Clinton (Bush Light).

(And just for the record, I think we should end the embargo and flood the island with dollars. That'll change things up.)


What the Hell Happened in New Hampshire (And why do we care)?

I've been mulling this for a while but I haven't actually looked at the numbers before.

The conventional wisdom at the time was that, if Barack Obama had won New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign would have been over. Because how could one recover from such a crushing victory in such a large and populous state?

So, looking at the numbers, Clinton won 39% to Obama's 37%. She won 7,479 more votes.

I'm going to say that again: 7,479 votes. This is particularly stunning to me since this is approximately the population of my home town in Nebraska - and it ain't big.

So, without that, Clinton would have been out. Can someone explain to me how this was a remarkable "comeback"? (And how many of those votes were because she cried?) Less than 7,500 votes? (RCP says that Obama has over 400,000 more votes thus far, even including Florida.) Because of that we're going to be doing this crap until June

I think this illustrates the tenuous nature of the Clinton campaign.


Obama Wins Wisconsin!

He is now 9-0. (With Hawaii still to come.)

I hope once Obama wins Texas and/or Ohio, we can put this to bed.


Castro Resigns

For real.

Of course, this means Raul is in charge, but probably only nominally more than he was already. As long as he is still alive, Fidel will continue to pull the strings.

None of this means a better life for actual Cubans but, hopefully, it is a start.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Clinton Campaign = Patheti-sad

Does this whole Obama speech "controversy" that was "broken" by the Clinton campaign (as a public service, no doubt) seem a touch desperate? (Maybe because of this?)

It reminds me of when George Allen dropped the "bomb" about Jim Webb having written books!

Another interesting similarity between these two incidents, Allen lost and Clinton is going to lose.

Oh, and how long before a hundred examples of the Clintons doing the same thing will be found?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hillary W. Clinton

This article from The Atlantic details the recent firing of Clinton campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle.

Frankly, I find it somewhat disturbing...
No one could have predicted Barack Obama's sudden rise, though the Clinton campaign was slower to recognize it than most. Solis Doyle's failure is another matter. As much as Clinton touts her own "executive experience" and judgment, she made Solis Doyle her campaign manager because of Solis Doyle's loyalty, rather than her skill, despite a trail of available evidence suggesting she was unsuited for the role.
...and eerily familiar.

I've had enough of a president who only listens to his pals - no matter how demonstrably incompetent they are - and I damn sure don't want another one. (Or say, someone who gets the job because of nepotism - I don't want that either.)

A separate but related point illustrated here is: If this campaign (and its woeful mismanagement of funds and strategy) is indicative of Clinton's executive skills, I think I'll feel better with her in the Senate.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Democratic Voter Turnout Continues to Amaze

An epilogue to my previous post (where my initial rambling may have caused some to miss the punch line): Anyway, I have updated the tallies after the MD and VA primaries. In Maryland, Obama (the winner, with 464474 votes) himself received as many votes as were cast in all in the 2004 MD primary (464769 total votes cast). Virginia, of course, went ahead and topped that! In VA, this year’s losing candidate (Clinton, with 347252) received nearly as many votes as were cast in all in the 2004 primary (394720 total votes cast); Obama left all that in the dust with a hefty 623141 votes.

The 17 states I have tallied, to date, all had their primaries before or just after Super Tuesday in 2004. Therefore, there should have been maximum voter interest for these in 2004 (as the nomination was still up for grabs). For these 17 states, the tally comparison now stands as follows:

9,615,918 total votes cast in 2004;

17,343,476 total votes cast in 2008;

an increase of 80.4%.

But wait, there’s more. If you order right now, we’ll send you….oh sorry…different pitch…..but there is indeed more….according to at least this one source (I don’t know how credible it is, but I have had some trouble tracking down actual vote tallies from 2004), there were 16,535,823 total votes cast, nationwide, in the 2004 democratic primaries. The aforementioned 17 states have already surpassed that total by 807653 votes. Going by these numbers, it appears that over 25 million votes will be cast in the Democratic primaries this year.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Bipartisan Redistricting Dead - Thanks Geniuses

The arrogance of this just irritates me...that and the stupidity.

Vivian's got the story. Apparently, there is video.

I did get one response to my letter to the committee members. Delegate Dance (or rather, her staff) sent me a form letter (form email?) but at least they addressed me as Doctor (that goes a long way with me). So, I'll give her some credit. Also, she apparently didn't vote against the bill - so good for her.

Well, just another example of self-serving, short-sighted politicians.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Open Letter to the Virginia House on Bipartisan Redistricting Reform

Greetings esteemed members of the Elections subcommittee of the House Privileges and Elections Committee,

I am writing you in regards to the subcommittee meeting to be held tomorrow morning, specifically SB 38 proposed by Creigh Deeds - bipartisan redistricting.

While I personally prefer nonpartisan redistricting, I believe that the current bill is the best option currently at hand to restore some integrity to the democratic process vis-a-vis congressional voting. To design districts to keep incumbents safe so that they do not have to appeal to a broad cross section of the electorate instead of to a hand selected group of like minded voters is anathema to democracy. It facilitates the hyperpolarization of our nation and results in an inability for Congress to accomplish anything of note, including passing a budget, for fear of being ideologically impure.

So, I implore you to allow this bill to come to the House floor for a vote - for the good of our country.

Virginia is watching. (So am I and my comrades in the blogosphere.)

Thank you for your time and your service to our state.
I'll let you know if I get a response.

See Vivian's article on this.

Write them yourself and let them know how you feel:,,,,,



Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clinton's Done

NBC's Chuck Todd is saying that Clinton needs to win 56% of the remaining delegates to be able to win.

That seems unlikely just on its face.

However, when you take into account that Obama will win Hawaii huge and will probably do pretty well in Wisconsin as well (he's won all the rest of the Midwest so far), that will just push that percentage higher and she's just not going to beat him by double digits anywhere left down the road. The superdelegates will become irrelevant because they will end up ratifying the pledged delegate results. Florida and Michigan will be accommodated but they won't matter. (Add in the Clinton campaign's recent staff shake-ups and ostensible financial problems and, frankly, it just isn't good for her.)

Listen, fellow Obama people: I'm not saying quit fighting or relax. I'm not saying don't make phone calls or donate time and money. I'm just saying, she of all people should understand the concept of inevitability. She's done. (I'll be the first to back her for Senate Majority Leader, however. She should get on that.) She may not even make it to March 4, but she'll almost certainly be done after that.

And, BTW, Virginia played a HUGE part in turning this page. Congratulations to everyone who worked their butts off for this crushing victory. First Jim Webb, now this. I'm so glad I moved here. Virginia kicks @$$!


Obama Wins Virginia! Update: And DC and Maryland!

Now the question is: will he win a crushing victory, or merely a huge one?


[PS: I REALLY enjoyed voting for Obama today! I can't wait to do it again in November!]

Update: Crushing.


Monday, February 11, 2008

“I can’t wait to hear.......”: Obama explained (to me).

(In keeping with Robb's Obama campaign here, I figured I'd post this here instead of at YacketyYak. v. )

I haven’t done my detailed homework on the candidates yet, so I have been shy about making judgments about them. But in what I have seen and read so far, I have really liked Obama. Many people whose opinions I value (such as Robb) like him too, so that’s another factor in my thinking I guess. But lately I have given a lot of thought to why I like him. I watched “60 minutes” last night and thought both Hillary (a bit surprisingly, to me) and Obama came off pretty well. But Obama is in a different league. He just comes across as more sincere, knowledgeable, articulate and intelligent and just more……genuine.

Anyway I was driving, late morning, with the radio on ESPN where Colin Cowherd was talking to Peter Gammons yada yada yada….and the topic shifted to Obama/Hillary/60 minutes, they were pretty much in agreement with what I was thinking, and at one point Cowherd said something like “….yeah, I can’t wait to hear the next words to come out of his mouth” (That may not be verbatim, but it conveys pretty accurately what he said). And it hit me---I agree! And I can’t remember the last time I felt that way about any politician!! For years now, I have not been able to listen to any politician for any significant duration of time. Not one. But the few times I have heard Obama speak, I have heard him out for the duration. I actually look forward to hearing the guy speak! I think that is the key to his inspirational quality. He not only has the mind and the message, but he has the quality that makes you believe and makes you want to hear more. That is pretty rare.

Of course, I am not alone in my reaction; people are flocking to Obama in droves. Many people have anointed him the next Kennedy in his ability to possibly inspire a whole new generation. That made me curious---can we tell whether he is having a measurable effect on (at least the democratic) voters? So, purely on a whim, I decided to look up polling numbers from 2004 and 2008 in the democratic primaries too see if more people were turning out for these primaries. Of course, there could be a number of reasons for any differences that we may see, but still, it would be cool to see if this race made say another 10-20% people turn out to vote---or so I thought. What I saw stunned me. And I think it will stun you too.

I have tabulated the total votes cast in democratic primaries in ’04 and ’08, taking into consideration only states that went till a couple of weeks past Super Tuesday in ’04 ---sort of where we are now in '08. Anyway, my sources for the vote totals are for this year’s totals and for the 2004 totals (you have to click on “previous elections” and “2004 Primaries” on the left to get a map---then mouse over a state to get voting details on the left). I don’t know how accurate any of these numbers are, but I did try to verify from another source for a couple of states and the numbers were close enough that the differences were insignificant for the point of this discussion. Also, I couldn’t get data for every state in that time-frame (some showed delegates only, not vote totals) but again there is more than enough data to substantiate our point here. And here are the numbers:

State (2004 Poll Date)

2004 Dem Primary

2008 Dem Primary

% Increase

(Total Votes Cast)

(Total Votes Cast)













































NEW YORK (Mar 2)




















I’m wondering whether I got some of the numbers wrong. I’ve checked (I had to do the tallies state-by-state) and I don’t see any major mistakes anyway. Maybe my sources are bad, but I’ve Googled the primaries and get pretty much the same numbers for the 04 primary. So is this true? I mean, a 20% increase would have been noteworthy, 35% would have been very impressive, 50% would have been incredible….but over 75% increase in votes cast? I don’t know what to say!

Of course, there could be many reasons for a greater voter turnout in the Democratic primaries compared to 2004. But remember, 2004 was a “pissed off” year for the Dems where they really wanted W out of office. Plus, between Kerry, Edwards, Dean and Clark, they had quite a bit of interest and competition going there for a while. All that should have spurred voter turnout in the primaries. This year is also a “pissed off” year, but at least the electorate knows that W is gone one way or another---so that’s neither here nor there.

Moreover, the Republicans were having a tight race, have a lot at stake, and although I haven’t added up their votes they appear to have far fewer votes cast than the Dems (maybe 30-40% less) so far.

So there appears to be something more at work here. This is hardly scientific, and quite off the cuff but, at first pass the vote totals suggest that the Obama/Clinton race is getting a HUGE number of new voters involved. I'm sure Hillary is contributing somewhat to the bump by bringing in the voter bloc that likes the idea of a woman president. But she is the mainstream democratic party candidate and I expect she gets most of her vote from the mainstream party-follower types. I have to believe that Obama is responsible for a large part of the 75% bump. Either way, if this increased participation is true, it can only mean better things for this country going forward.

Like I’ve said, a lot of this stuff is off the cuff. If you find mistakes in data or reasoning, please bring it to my notice, and please be considerate while doing so. I am still in some disbelief about the numbers myself.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Obama Wins Maine

Again, by a lot. 59-41.

So, that's 20 out of 31 states he's won.


Clinton Swaps Campaign Managers

In another sign that things are going exactly to plan for the "inevitable" Hillary Clinton, she has replaced her campaign manager:
"Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton replaced campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle with longtime aide Maggie Williams on Sunday, a staff shake-up coming just hours after presidential rival Barack Obama's weekend sweep of three contests.

Campaign aides said Solis Doyle made the decision to leave on her own and was not urged to do so by the former first lady or any other senior member of the team. But it comes as Clinton struggles to catch Obama in fundraising and momentum and faces the prospect of losing every voting contest yet to come in February." [Emphasis mine.]
This is always a good sign.

Seriously, it worked for McCain, but then, McCain wasn't running against Barack Obama. (Yet.)

Wouldn't now be a good time to make a donation to the Obama campaign?


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Obama 3-0 for the Night!

And it is a clean sweep for Obama!

Washington and Nebraska went approximately 70-30 for Obama and Lousiana seems to be closer but still decisive.

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

For some reason, the Clinton campaign is trying to downplay these victories because he was "expected" to win them. So...I guess they don't count then?

No, wait - yes they do, and that is a ridiculously weak argument from a reeling candidate. Did they expect to get whipped so badly in them, too?


There Is No Place Like Nebraska (For Obama)!

CNN just called the Nebraska caucus for Obama!

Right now it looks like a 70-30 advantage for Barack. That is awesome. Congratulations to all my friends and family who went out to caucus! I would've loved to have seen that.

Again, Barack has brought his campaign's enthusiasm to Nebraska.

Nebraska? This exemplifies that Obama can energize voters in a way that Clinton simply will not.

The next three weeks will be very good for Obama and very bad for Clinton.

Go Obama! (and Go Huskers!)


Friday, February 08, 2008

Obama Rally in Omaha

Here's the story.

Here's the pictures.

Here's the video:

Say what you will, a 10,000 person pro-Obama rally in (trust me) red as hell Nebraska is something Clinton couldn't mimic. Maybe that's why she didn't come to the Cornhusker state.

Tomorrow will be a huge day for Obama!


Thursday, February 07, 2008

A Protracted Democratic Nomination Fight May NOT Hurt in November

The conventional wisdom, which may well be true, is that if Obama and Clinton continue their battle for the Democratic nomination for president that it will hurt the eventual nominee in the general election. I'm going to take the contrarian view that the opposite may in fact be true.

The number one reason will be that the media LOVES the horse race. Obama v. Clinton will get 3/4 of the press coverage and McCain sitting there waiting for one of them (and praying for Clinton to win) will get the scraps. An old man waiting is not a compelling story - kind of sad actually. As long as the Dems keep it clean, this is a positive considering most people already want to vote against the Republicans. McCain won't get free TV time to say, "Hey, I'm not Bush!" (an argument that he may well undercut himself, see below). But remember: KEEP IT CLEAN!

Secondly, the Dems will continue to have nationally televised debates (i.e., more free media) that will not have a Republican counterweight since there will be no more Republican debates. (I suppose there could be one more McCain v. Huckabee v. Paul debate but Huck will get his V.P. deal and Paul has a primary challenge for his House seat to worry about soon.) Since the broad strokes of both Dems platforms will be relatively similar compared to the Republican platform, the approximate eventual party platform will be being sold to the American public for a long time in a public way. That's good for the eventual nominee, whomever it is. Furthermore, the nominee will be battle tested and very prepared for the subsequent debates with McCain.

Also, McCain won't be able to move toward the center as most party nominees do once they've been coronated because he won't be able to sit back and count on his base being all sewn up. (On the Dem side, THIS point may be a negative, I will admit.) He will constantly need to stroke them, which will cost him credibility with Independents. This, BTW, isn't speculation. We already saw this when McCain almost destroyed himself last year when he first began to pander to the far right. (And all signs say that they will make him jump through hoops like a trained bear - and then they still probably won't vote for him.)

Of course, I may be wrong, and none of this changes the fact that I think Obama would be the best candidate (not to mention president) even if was declared the nominee today. However, I don't think it is the worst thing that we are having so much democracy this year. (Unless, of course, we get a reversal of the public's will - whatever that may be - by the superdelegates. THAT would hurt the nominee more than anything else a long fight would do.)


Romney Goes Out The Way He Campaigned


Here's my favorite line from his suspension(?) speech:
"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win," he said. "And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror."
Stay classy, Mitt Romney.

Why is this possibly noble act actually a huge pile of $#!#?:
"Making the dramatic announcement at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference at a Washington hotel, Romney clearly hoped to preserve the goodwill of his party for another possible bid in 2012. He intends to run again in four years, according to a senior member of his inner circle.

'He should be president. 2012,' the confidant e-mailed after talking to Romney."
So, far from caring about "aiding surrender to terror", Romney is more concerned about obviously aiding surrender of the White House to the Democrats. He clearly wants McCain to lose but he doesn't want to look like he played a part. Or does anyone really believe that he would run against a sitting President McCain in the 2012 primary? No. He wants to save face (and what's left of his money) so he can try to run against Obama (which would equal term number two for Barack, BTW) or Clinton in the general in 2012.

How noble.

Fair thee well. You huge, HUGE liar. See you in four years.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Obama Raises $5.5 Million In One Day

$5.5 million raised since the polls closed last night.

That exceeds the $5 million Hillary lent her campaign, Mitt Romney style.

You can go to the Obama Web site to add to the chorus of people saying, "Yes We Can!"


Obama in Omaha Tomorrow!

This is the best campaign ever! You know why? Three words:

Obama in Omaha.

I urge all my Nebraska friends and relatives to go see him. Hearing him in person is quite the experience. (Especially since he'll be the next President.)

(Nebraska for Obama)


Hillary Clinton Loans Her Campaign $5 Million

Holy cats! That's a lotta kablingy!

Considering that Obama out raised her almost 3-to-1 in January and that she has maxed out half of her doners (as compared to 10% maxed out for Obama), doesn't that just feel like panic?

Actually, it feels like something else - or rather someone else:

Mitt Romney.


PS: I resisted the urge to write this entire post in enormous font. I, unlike some people (cough - NLS - cough), have some shame. But this is a doozy.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday Liveblog II: Reset

11:15 - Clinton wins Arizona (Obama 10 - Clinton 7)

11:05 - California is too close to call. Missouri will be interesting to see. I think Obama will probably win Colorado. Other than that? Who knows. Bed time for me (although I will probably wake up in the middle of the night and turn on the TV. (Obama is going to speak soon; so, look for that.) Go Obama!

11:00 - NBC calls Idaho for Obama! (Obama 10 - Clinton 6)

10:31 - CNN calls Minnesota for Obama! (Obama 9 - Clinton 6)

10:21 - CNN calls Connecticut for Obama! (Obama 8 - Clinton 6)

10:17 - NBC calls Kansas for Obama! (Obama 7 - Clinton 6)

10:05 - NBC says Obama wins Utah and North Dakota!

10:00 - ROMNEY WINS UTAH! Stunning.

9:35 - I'm starting a new post. To recap: Clinton has been declared the winner in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, Massachusetts, New York, & New Jersey. Obama has been declared the winner in Georgia, Illinois, Delaware, & Alabama. The early delegate estimates are still close. Three more states close in 25 minutes.


Super Tuesday Liveblog: Obama Wins Georgia, Illinois, Delaware, & Alabama!

9:25 - NBC calls New Jersey for Clinton; Alabama for Obama.

9:03 - NBC calls Delaware for Obama! (Without a Biden endorsement.)

9:00 - CNN calls New York for Clinton. The final delegate split will also be important here.

8:57 - Clinton wins Massachusetts. Not a big surprise but this would have been a big upset for Barack. The delegate will probably be pretty close.

8:55 - Seven more states' polls close in 5 minutes.

8:47 - Chuck Todd on MSNBC says that the final delegate counts from the states that have closed will be very favorable to Obama.

8:31 - Clinton wins Arkansas.

8:30 - NBC exit polls say Obama wins every age group 17-50. Clinton wins 50+. (The Worstest Generation is still trying to destroy America.)

8:20 - NBC calls Tennessee for Clinton.

8:18 - Breaking: Wolf Blitzer knows the names of many different shades of red!

8:00 - CNN projects Illinois for Obama; Oklahoma for Clinton. Everything else too close to call.

7:55 - Everything is going to explode at 8PM. Nine more states to close.

7:35 - The Clinton campaign is already making excuses for losing in Georgia.

7:10 PM - Barack wins Georgia: 86% of black vote, 43% of white vote for Obama. Not bad for the deep South.

More to come. I'll be doing this till I get too tired. Stay tuned!


Sunday, February 03, 2008

GOTV for Obama in Virginia

Here is an email I just got from the Virginia State Director of Obama for America:
Dear Robb,

What we do in Virginia over the next nine days can change America.

After Barack's overwhelming victory in South Carolina, the spotlight has turned to the 28 states -- including Virginia -- holding primaries and caucuses in the next two weeks.

Thanks to your work, we've built an unprecedented grassroots organization across the nation. But we have only nine days to make this happen.

Sign up to help Get Out The Vote in Virginia for the February 12th primary:

People across the country are hungry for a different kind of leadership and a different kind of politics.

But they want to know where our movement is headed -- whether all the passion and support this campaign has generated can actually change the entrenched old ways of Washington.

You can answer right now.

Across the state, Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans have come together around this campaign because they know Barack Obama is the one candidate who can deliver the change this country needs.

But in these crucial final days before the primary, it's going to take a lot of effort and organization to turn our support into a strong showing for Barack on February 12th.

Sign up to help Get Out The Vote in Virginia:

Thank you,


Stacey Brayboy
Virginia State Director
Obama for America

P.S. -- If you are in the Richmond area, visit our new Virginia Headquarters, meet our staff, and find opportunities to volunteer.

Virginia for Obama Headquarters
808 North Hamilton Street
Richmond, VA 23221
Call: 804-335-9706
Virginia is going to matter in this primary. So, let's get this done!


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Obama Looking Past Super Tuesday

The Nebraska caucuses are on February 9th. Obama has started running ads in Nebraska (if that doesn't illustrate how different this year is, nothing will.)

The New Nebraska Network has a story about the ad buy (here's the ad):

And the story about a Nebraska superdelegate who wants one of the Dem candidates to come visit Nebraska. (Interesting side note, Bill Clinton didn't visit Nebraska during his Presidency until late in his last year - will Hillary follow suit?)

People in Nebraska are excited about Obama (and, I can say anecdotally, not just Democrats). I'm sure you can't say the same thing about Hillary Clinton.

Phone From Home for Barack Obama

I just thought I'd let people who are interested know that you can call voters in some key Super Tuesday states and encourage them to vote for Barack Obama in their primary.

As some of you may remember, I did a ton of phone from home for Jim Webb during the 2006 election and it is incredibly easy. There is rarely anything you can do to help change the world while literally sitting on your couch.

So, if you want to do something to help Barack out next Tuesday, this is a great way to do it. You can make as many or as few calls as you have time for. I highly recommend.

Phonebank from Home for Barack Obama

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