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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Romney Goes Out The Way He Campaigned


Here's my favorite line from his suspension(?) speech:
"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win," he said. "And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror."
Stay classy, Mitt Romney.

Why is this possibly noble act actually a huge pile of $#!#?:
"Making the dramatic announcement at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference at a Washington hotel, Romney clearly hoped to preserve the goodwill of his party for another possible bid in 2012. He intends to run again in four years, according to a senior member of his inner circle.

'He should be president. 2012,' the confidant e-mailed after talking to Romney."
So, far from caring about "aiding surrender to terror", Romney is more concerned about obviously aiding surrender of the White House to the Democrats. He clearly wants McCain to lose but he doesn't want to look like he played a part. Or does anyone really believe that he would run against a sitting President McCain in the 2012 primary? No. He wants to save face (and what's left of his money) so he can try to run against Obama (which would equal term number two for Barack, BTW) or Clinton in the general in 2012.

How noble.

Fair thee well. You huge, HUGE liar. See you in four years.

Comments on "Romney Goes Out The Way He Campaigned"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:45 PM) : 

I think it is noble that he doesn't want to surrender to terror. Therefore, now that he is not running for prez, his various spawn...errr.. sons (who were, by his statement, serving the nation by working on his campaign) can enlist in the armed forces and continue serving the country in the more traditional way that is available to the children of the rest of us....i.e. by laying down their lives for the sake of the great patriotic money laundering opera...errrr...Iraq war.
Or they could all sit together at a great turd banquet and eat sh*t for eternity. That would be fine too.
I can't decide whether to end this rant with the expletive "mormon!" or with another expletive that drops the extra m.



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