Evening Chuckle: HusBand How To: Clamlung
Labels: Evening Chuckle Archive |
Suck it, Big (te)X(as)II.
Here's a new organization that is really trying to make a difference. Watch and learn. Enjoy. Labels: Evening Chuckle Archive |
Smooth. To clean up the country's image ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Chinese government is trying to brush the country's problems under the rug (i.e., repress, torture, and/or kill them). That's right - to clean up their image. Because if no one is there to help orphans or people with AIDS, there must not BE any orphans or people with AIDS. Sort of a tree falling in the forest thing. Also, let's not forget that the Chinese have sat back and done precious little to stop the genocide in Darfur. Again, bravo. I have to admit, I've never been a fan of the Olympics. (I think it has something to do with the fact that they are boring. Either that or Bob Costas...probably Bob Costas. Can't get enough of him dramatic commentary.) I guess that makes me a Communist. Oh wait, the Communists (i.e., the People's Republic of China) like the Olympics. That makes the Olympics Communist! One more reason to fight them. I now have two goals: 1. Shut down the 2008 Olympics and 2. Get this blog banned in China. |
I've been watching the debates and following the polls and the fund raising and thinking about this for a while and...I'm not seeing how Hillary Clinton looses the presidential race. (Note: This is not an endorsement, just my sense of things at the present time.) A lot of people don't want to believe that but, if you can convince me otherwise, please do. First of all, I realize that we are a long way from the first primary (although they get closer every day, both due to the natural passage of time and the irrational, pig-headed way that states keep moving up their primaries - when's Iowa? Tomorrow?) and even farther from the general election (the counter at the top of this page keeps me painfully aware of how long we have until the Bush Presidency ends). However, unless she makes some sort of huge mistake like say, denying global warming or - God forbid - show more cleavage, she's gonna win the primary. She's got the money, the network, and most importantly she feels inevitable. She's like a glacier. (I know I'm not the first person to compare her to ice but possibly in this context.) Secondly, I just can't see any Republican winning the general election, even against her. Karl Rove is right, Clinton has incredibly high negatives. People know her and a lot of them already don't like her and that kind of thing is hard to change. But, Bush has poisoned people's minds against the Republican Party. Assuming that in the general election Red states go Red and Blue states go Blue, the swing states will pull strongly to the Democrat - any Democrat. A Republican might "win" Florida (if you know what I'm saying - wink wink), but Pennsylvania will go to the Democrat, and there is no way in hell that Republicans will win Ohio. The Republican Party has all but salted the earth for themselves in that (former) swing state. Additionally, the group of jokers the Republicans have to choose from will not inspire a lot of people. Guiliani is a joke and will be torn to shreds by his past and he won't put New York into serious play for Republicans, sorry fellas; Romney = slimy (and it shows); I liked Huckabee until he said he didn't believe in evolution - thanks for playing; McCain is by far their best candidate - and the Republicans hate him. Every single other Republican candidate is a complete joke. What about the non-candidates who will come in and save the day? Newt Gingrich? Three divorces and people hate him almost as much as they hate Hillary. Fred Thompson? When the first thing that comes out about you is how lazy you are, that doesn't bode well - especially following the act of our current Commander-in-Chief. I know that Democrats could normally lose a one-person race, but Republicans will be demoralized and won't volunteer or vote in as high numbers as they have in the past and Democrats will be energized by the end (finally) of the Bush Administration and will volunteer and vote. So, as long as she doesn't do something crazy during the general election like, say, officiate at a Gay marriage between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-Il...while eating a baby - she's gonna be a lock. So, get used to it. This scenario, of course, does not take into account a serious third party candidate (like say from Unity '08). If that happens and it is for real, that could shake some things up. I'm for a third party candidacy just on principle but it will still depend on who the actual candidate is. So, despite the fact that I am already resigned to Clinton winning, I think it will be a long time before I decide who I will be supporting in 2008. Besides, when I get bored I make up my own movies. I have a very short attention span. |
This has been a long time overlooked but it is something I'm very proud of: back in May, Richmond Democrat named me the 78th top political blog in Virginia! Whoo! Someday, I hope to crack the top 75. 'Cause you gotta have goals... |
Former Georgia Democratic Senator Sam Nunn is considering throwing his hat into the presidential race - as an independent:"It's a possibility, not a probability," said Nunn, now the head of a nonprofit organization out to reduce the threat posed by nuclear, biological and chemical weaponry. "My own thinking is, it may be a time for the country to say, 'Timeout. The two-party system has served us well, historically, but it's not serving us now.'"He's not well known by your average American but he would certainly bring respectability to a third party candidacy - more so than a Ralph Nader or a Ross Perot. Paired with Bloomberg as VP and plenty of cash? That might scare some people. Labels: Unity08 |
Guest Blogger V is back with his prediction as to when Tiger Woods will overtake Jack Nicklaus.You heard it here first: |