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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Recommended Reading: July 29

Evangelicals warn against Romney on ticket - Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa! The Republicans continue to eat themselves. (Seriously though, can even Democrats screw this election up?)

Congress Lays Groundwork for 2009 - The Democrats are setting themselves up to actually do something in Congress next year. (Yikes!)

Kaine in 'Serious' Talks with Obama - Meh.

On al-Qaeda, Good News and Bad News - A RAND study released today says that the "War on Terror" needs to be dealt with as a police and intelligence matter. Could've used that info about six years ago.

This is awesome.

But not as awesome as this: Ted Stevens indicted - Enjoy prison, Mr. Bridge to Nowhere.

Comments on "Recommended Reading: July 29"


Blogger Anonymoustache said ... (6:57 AM) : 

The Sean Tevis link is indeed pretty cool!
As for Mr.Series-of-tubes, I dont think he'll see prison time. But at least this may kick his sorry ass out of the senate.


Blogger Tokatakiya said ... (10:00 PM) : 

I do look forward to hearing the "series of tubes" sound bite over and over again as this plays out.


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