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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mandela Condemns Zimbabwe Crisis

Today Nelson Mandela condemned the "tragic failure of leadership in Zimbabwe." (About damn time.) (See video.)

Hopefully, this will open the flood gates and allow other African leaders to come out against the crimes that are being committed against the Zimbabwean people. (More have already spoken up in recent days. I would hope SA President Mbeki would follow suit but he's proven once again that he is worthless. He'll be out as President next year, but it won't be soon enough.)

Part of what has been protecting Mugabe has been his status in Africa as an anti-colonial freedom fighter, but Mandela more than trumps Mugabe's credentials.

In other news that I'm sure will terrify Mugabe even more, Anderson Cooper has come out forcefully against him on his AC360 blog. I'm sure Mugabe is now busy peeing his pants almost as much as he did when I came out against him on my blog.

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Comments on "Mandela Condemns Zimbabwe Crisis"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:58 AM) : 

Why are people so focused on Mugabe?

Did he (illegal) invade Iraq?

Did he imprison & torture people in Guantanamo Bay.

Did he commit genocide on the people of Darfur?


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