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Friday, May 23, 2008

CNN: Obama and Clinton Teams Talking about VP

On CNN this morning, Suzanne Malveaux reported that the two camps were discussing an exit strategy for Clinton. [My exit strategy for her involves pointing her toward the exit and telling her not to let the door hit her where the Good Lord split her. Since she's apparently a "hard-working white person", i.e., "hillbilly", I'm sure she's heard that before.]

One option included Obama publicly offering her the VP slot and her turning it down.

How exactly will that strengthen Obama and help him win the actual election? [The thing that Democrats seem to care less about than their stupid primary.]

Making him look weak by offering her VP when everyone knows he doesn't want her and then look even weaker by turning him down won't exactly pump him up. Also, there is no guarantee that once that public offer is made that she won't turn around and accept it. (Trust the Clintons? That would just make him look stupid.)

Allow me to summarize my position on an Obama/Clinton "dream" ticket:


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


[PS: Only the Democrats would consider taking an almost sure fire winning candidate and saddling him with a lead weight that does nothing but reduce his electability, and consider that a "dream". This is exhibit A of why I am an independent.]


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