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Monday, March 31, 2008

Zimbabwe Election Update III: Results Trickle In

Only 52 of 210 parliamentary seats have been announced so far and the results have been split evenly between Mugabe's ZANU-PF and the opposition MDC. No results for president have yet been announced.

The prolonged delay has made many people think that what they feared prior to the election, that Mugabe would rig the vote, may be coming to pass. I read conflicting accounts that say the Zimbabwe Election Commission (the members of which were appointed by Mugabe) will announce that he has won 52% of the vote, thereby avoiding a run-off, despite the fact that the opposition puts his total closer to 37%. Other rumors say that Mugabe has already fled the country or that the members of ZANU-PF are trying to decide who has to tell Mugabe that he has lost.

I'm just not sure what to expect. I can't imagine he'll just accept the will of the people. However, among the results that have been announced are losses by Mugabe cabinet members; so, it is hard to guess what is going on.

Again, we'll have to wait and see...

Update: The count is now 31 seats for ZANU-PF, Tsvangirai's MDC with 30 and a rival MDC group with 5. An independent election monitoring group has projected that Tsvangirai should win 49.4% of the vote (just shy of the 50% needed to avoid a runoff) to Mugabe's 41.2%

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