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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Speaking of WWIII...

clipped from

Iraq Says It Will Cooperate With Turkey on Kurds

ISTANBUL, Oct. 23 — Iraq urged Turkey today to use diplomacy to resolve the conflict with the Kurdish separatist group that has been mounting attacks in Turkey and taking refuge in northern Iraq and said it would send a high-level military delegation to Ankara to discuss international cooperation to halt the violence.

In Baghdad, Mr. Babacan publicly dismissed the idea that Turkey would agree to any cease-fire called by the P.K.K., saying Turkey could not do so with a terrorist organization. On Monday, the Kurdish group declared its willingness for a cease-fire, according to a statement posted on a Kurdish Web site.

This might be a good sign if the Iraqi government had any power to control anything in the part of Iraq they ostensibly control let alone in Kurdistan where they have no military presence.

The good news is that the Turks really seem to want to avoid invading Iraq. (They've seen how that ends - or rather, doesn't end.)

This is yet another example of a consequence of the war that was widely predicted - including by Turkey - but completely ignored.

Kudos again Mr. President.

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