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Monday, October 15, 2007

Nebraska AD Asked to Resign!!!!!!!

Pederson asked to step down

UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman announced today that he asked UNL Athletic Director Steve Pederson to step down from his post.
"We are of course disappointed about the progress in our football program," Perlman said in the release. "Steve has done many positive things for Husker Athletics during his tenure but I think only new leadership can objectively assess the state of our program and make the decisions necessary to move forward."

I know Virginia people don't really care but this is HUGE news for Nebraska fans!

I'm guessing they pressured Pederson to fire Callahan and he said no. This is definitely the first move in a cascade of events that will lead to the end of the Callahan error at Nebraska.

Thank God.

The question is: Will Callahan (or the God-awful Defensive Co-ordinator Cosgrove) make it until the end of the season? Will they even be on the sidelines come next Saturday?

I hate to see the program in turmoil but we haven't really had a program since Callahan came aboard. (Some of us saw this coming the day they hired Callahan.) Hopefully, we can get real Nebraska people back coaching at Nebraska, the way it should be. (TO is still unemployed, I believe.)

Go Huskers!

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