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Monday, October 22, 2007

Iraq War II

Turkey: 8 Troops Missing After Ambush
The Turkish military confirmed Monday that eight of its soldiers were missing after an ambush attack by Kurdish rebels in which 12 other soldiers were killed.

The confirmation from the military came as dozens of military vehicles headed toward the Iraq border and protesters across the country demanded tough action against the rebels. The attack has pushed Turkey closer to a possible incursion into Iraq to target Kurdish insurgents hiding there.
The PKK is begging the Turks to invade. I haven't put enough thought into why they think that would be good for them. Maybe they think that if America and Turkey are no longer close allies, they would have an easier time getting the Kurdish part of Turkey to break away and form an independent Kurdistan?

Anyway, the PKK is single handedly destabilizing the only stable part of Iraq. More unintended (although foreseeable) consequences of the Bush war "plan".

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