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Monday, October 15, 2007

Bush Policy on Cancer Same as on Afghanistan

clipped from


U.S. cancer death rates continue to fall

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
Death rates from cancer continue to
fall in the United States, dropping more than 2 percent per
year from 2002 through 2004, cancer experts reported on Monday.

"The evidence is unmistakable: we are truly turning the
tide in the cancer battle," said John Seffrin, executive
officer of the American Cancer Society. "The gains could be
even greater if everyone in the U.S. had access to essential
health care, including primary care and prevention services."

"The long-term federal investment in cancer research is
paying off," said Dr. Nancy Davidson, president of the American
Society of Clinical Oncology.

"But this impressive pace of progress will slow if we don't
recommit to funding cancer research. Adjusted for inflation,
cancer research funding has actually declined 12 percent since
2004 -- this has never happened in our nation's history,"
Davidson added in a statement.

Once your enemy is on the run, pull all your resources to fight a war in Iraq.


Is it possible for a President to "take a knee" just to run out the clock faster?

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