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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Heaping Pile of Mugabe

Pressure is mounting on Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.

African leaders met today in Tanzania to discuss the growing crisis in Zimbabwe. They placed the President of South Africa in charge of easing the political crises in Zimbabwe. Despite the fact that Mugabe hasn't been openly excoriated by other African leaders (mostly due to Mugabe's anti-colonial legacy), the private rebukes are growing.

Mugabe's Zimbabwean opposition is obviously worrying him as they once again arrested the opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, and held him for a few hours. This was Tsvangirai's second arrest in the last three weeks.

And finally, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Bishop Desmond Tutu (who has spoken out against Mugabe before) have a scathing op-ed in the Post today about Zimbabwe and it's leadership.
"Some argue that the world has no business interfering with, or even commenting on, the internal affairs of a sovereign state. This principle is exceptionally convenient for dictators and for people who do not wish to be bothered about the well-being of others."
Let's hope Mugabe and his ruling party can have the sense to get out of the way before Zimbabwe erupts into civil war that will destabilize the entire southern African region.

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