Crazy Crap That I Rank High on in Google
I've been compiling this for about the last week. Here are a few interesting Google searches and where I rank on the results page: How did the generalist cell have to change in order to become intestinal cells? #2 "the worst country in the world" Zimbabwe #2 [As God as my witness, I will get to #1!] worst country in the world Zimbabwe #3 [Ditto] amoeba Kurdistan #6 [Huh?] cuban finch mutation photo #1 on third page athf trailer #7 [Go Moononites!] unsuccessful communist countries #6 [That's a looong list, too.] kurdish comedy clips #4 [I've dropped completely off this one by now. I guess those Kurdish comedians have a lot of material to work with nowadays.] IVF in Saudi's culture #9 untitled mastershake project #2 Feb 28, 2007 issue of USA Penny Saver #6 Everything sucks #9 [Amongst the Reel Big Fish and Descendants lyrics – my crowning achievement.] |
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