Stem Cell Developments
Good news on the stem cell front: The embryonic stem (ES) cell bill that President Bush vetoed last year will be brought up again in the House tomorrow. This bill would allow ES cell research to receive federal funding. Supporters are hopeful that this time they will have a veto-proof majority. I'm skeptical of that but I think they should make the President veto this bill as many times as they can. In other promising stem cell developments, stem cells similar to ES cells have been found in amniotic fluid. These may prove to be as useful, or nearly as useful, as ES cells. Even the Vatican is cool with this! Back of the line for treatments, Blame Science First Crowd! Tags: Stem Cells, Science, IVF |
Comments on "Stem Cell Developments"
As long as Johnson makes it to the floor to vote, Reid is saying he's got enough to override a veto. Not sure if Pelosi has enough yet. Where ya been?
New job. Thanks for caring, buddy.
I'm still adjusting to the new schedule.
Let's hope they can pull off the stem cell bill. Aside from ending the war, that would be the sweetest repudiation of this President's policies for me.
Unfortunately, we can never get those 6 years of lost research back.
"As long as Johnson makes it to the floor to vote, Reid is saying he's got enough to override a veto. Not sure if Pelosi has enough yet."
I haven't "crushed" any numbers, but I believe CNN has said they will be just shy in the House, despite many many Republicans supporting this (Bush is just completely senile).
Furthermore, as I posted on my own blog, the fact that he can sit there send 20,000+ American soldiers to face death or maiming in Iraq yesterday, and then threaten to veto stem cell research today on "moral" grounds is offensive.