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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The President's Speech

I want to believe the President of the United States.

I want Iraq to be a functioning democracy.

I want the Middle East to be stable.

Will 20,000 extra troops do it? Probably not.

However, I heard many things in the speech that would be good steps if they happen. Bringing Baath party members back into the government for one. I'm always a big fan of smoothing over Turk-Kurd relations but that won't stop Sunni-Shiite violence.

The main reason I have to hope and pray that this strategy will work is that, sadly, we have no other choice. The President can do what he pleases and I fear the Congress will, once again, be too weak to do anything to stop him.

So, all we have left is hope. Pray.

PS: The President said the responsibility rests with him. I'm tired of politicians saying they take responsibility for something when there are no consequences. If the President wants to take responsibility for the cluster#*&% of a mistake of a war he started, he should resign. Immediately. However, I don't blame him for not doing what any member of Congress who authorized the war, R or D, has been too cowardly to do. They should show him the way.

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Comments on "The President's Speech"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:00 PM) : 

He sounds like a broken record. "If we fail in Iraq America will be threatened, the 'turrist' will come here." Get a new line already, nobody is still buying that.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:30 PM) : 

"PS: The President said the responsibility rests with him. I'm tired of politicians saying they take responsibility for something when there are no consequences. If the President wants to take responsibility for the cluster#*&% of a mistake of a war he started, he should resign. "



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:50 AM) : 

Americans have got to stop denying reality...The reality is there will be no success in's too far gone....and Bush created this dreadful quagmire with lies...and he's still lying.

I agree with Terry.

Investigate.....This will inevitably lead to impeachment...indictment....and hopefully a just sentence for the traitors who lied to all of us so a few wealthy cronies could get wealthier at our expense....

Folks...there's nothing patriotic about what Bush has done and continues to do....



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