Democracy Called on Account of Numbskullery
President Bush has apparently decided that the will of the American people can go #*@% itself. 61% or 70% (depending on the poll - they're both really, really high) of Americans oppose the President's surge. Guess what? Its gonna happen anyway! [The token show of spine by the Congress today just makes me want to laugh/cry.] A majority of Americans think the restrictions on embryonic stem cell research should be eased. The House passed a bill today that would do just that, 253-174. Guess what? Bush's second-ever-veto will be the same as his first ever veto: to defeat this bill. Oh, and another item that people want done, negotiating lower prices for prescription drugs for Medicare? If that gets passed tomorrow, Bush will veto it. I would be the last person to ever say that popular opinion makes something right but, sometimes, the mob gets it right. I would hope that, sometime, the President would listen to his employers not just his base, his contributors, or the people whispering in his ear about his "legacy". Tag: Bush |
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