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Friday, December 01, 2006

Today in Science


Today is World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day, AIDSinfo

Risk of progression to AIDS increases without steady anti-retroviral drug treatment. CBC

Experts look to implement new strategies to prevent HIV transmission. WP

Bill Clinton is starting a foundation to provide AIDS drugs to children. BBC

The EU plans to spend 54 billion Euros on science over the next several years. BBC, ScienceNOW

Scientists need to be involved in science debates to keep them from being dominated by minority views. BBC

A single asteroid killed the dinosaurs. Reuters, NG

The White House does not want to release documents concerning the "Plan B" contraceptive. WP

Blocking progesterone may keep breast cancer gene, BRCA1, at bay. WP, Reuters

Bush Administration abstinence-only policy for combating underage pregnancy does not work, contraception does. BBC, Reuters

Steven Hawking says humans need to get out of the solar system to survive. AP, Reuters, BBC

NASA says shuttle redesign can wait until 2008. AP


Monsoons in India have worsened with climate change. Reuters, Nature

LA auto show highlights green cars. CSM

Microsoft releases Vista OS for business. Reuters, BBC

Stem cells may be used to fix back pain. BBC

Hurricane season ends without one hitting the US, thanks to el Nino. AP, Reuters, Nature, NG

Al-Qaeda is making noise about a cyber attack on businesses set for today. AP

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