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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Bush Administration Takes an Important Step in Fighting the Stigma of HIV

Via Andrew Sullivan.

Most people probably don't know this but, under current US law, it is illegal for an HIV-positive foreigner to enter the United States. For this reason many of the larger AIDS conferences have refused to be held in America. Both in protest of the practice and, also, because it is impractical to have a conference about AIDS somewhere that people who have AIDS cannot go.

However, the White House announced an executive order last Friday (World AIDS Day) that eases the restriction.

Of course, the law still exists and needs to be dealt with by Congress. However, this is an excellent start. As I have said before, I have many criticisms of President Bush but he has done more than any previous President to fight HIV around the world. I still think they could do more and do it more effectively (abstinence only education is a prime example of ideology over efficacy), however, this gesture deserves to be recognized as an unquestionable, if overdue, good deed.

So, congratulations, Mr. President. But you've still got a long way to go.

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Comments on "The Bush Administration Takes an Important Step in Fighting the Stigma of HIV"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:22 PM) : 

I have to disagree. Aids work has been set back in other countries due to the abstinence only order instigated by Bush. AIDS could be decreasing (not increasing) if condoms were readily available and options and choices (including abstinence) were presented....But Abstinence Only is not only ignorant it's another example of the incompetence and monetary wastefulness of the Bush administration.



Blogger Tokatakiya said ... (11:01 PM) : 

I agree that the effort could be much better. However, the point is that what the Bush Administration has done has far exceeded the 3 previous administrations.

There is a lot left to be done but this is the one thing that they deserve some credit for.

Having said that, abstinence only is a nightmare.


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