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Monday, September 18, 2006

Debate Pre-game

Here are some things to keep you satiated until the Webb v. Allen debate starts at 11:30 1:00 - check local listings or catch the streaming video on

The WaPo has a post-mortem on yesterday's debate. Here's one from the AP. And Larry Sabato says Webb won.

Via Virginia Progressive, the NYT has an article today discussing Jim Webb's ascendancy and George Allen's dilemma: "As Senator Falters, a Democrat Rises in Virginia".

Armchair Generalist has a post on another depressing article detailing how US officials in post-war Iraq were chosen for political fidelity over competence.

Oh, and AllenHQ (which I will not link to) has a post trying to scare people into voting for Allen (which, in their defense, is all they have) with the specter of a Democratic controlled Congress. (BTW, Boo. Scared yet?) Who isn't scared of what the Republican controlled Congress has done?

Anyway, I only mention this because I left the following comment:
"Jim Webb will know how he'll vote when Howard Dean tells him how to vote."

Unlike George Allen who knows how he'll vote when George Bush tells him how to vote.

Jim Webb has been and is a leader. George Allen is just a follower (only 96% of the time anyway).
It is currently "awaiting moderation". So, lets see if they can take criticism and put it up, or if they are scared of any dissent creeping into their propaganda machine. (I will guess the latter.)

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