Fantastic News
The word is that the Rasmussen Reports poll (first poll post-macaca) that is coming out tomorrow shows: George Allen: 47% James Webb: 42% The previous Rasmussen poll was Allen 51% Webb 41%. Also a Survey USA poll (via NLS shows that the macaca incident is hurting Allen and - strikingly - 44% had not yet heard of the incident. So, there are a lot of people that may still be turned off by Allen. Also, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is raising money for Webb. Jim Webb is going to campaign in SWVA despite the fact that, according to Allen, he has never been there and won't go there (except that he has and he is). BTW, here is Jim Webb's response to Allen's assertion that he won't go to SWVA: Lastly, Bill Clinton is coming to fundraise for Jim Webb. Whatever you may think about Clinton, he will put money in the bank for Webb. To contribute to Jim Webb for Senate, go here. James Webb, VA-Sen, Virginia, Virginia Politics, Politics, Jim Webb, News, 2006, Senate, George Allen, 2006 Races, Democrats, Republicans, Campaigns, Congress, Campaigns-Elections, macaca |
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